Single-Tooth Vs. Full-Arch Implants: What’s Right For Me?

If you’re missing one or more teeth and are interested in dental implants in San Diego, you may not be sure if you’re a good candidate for single-tooth implants, or if you’d be better off with full-arch implants. So in this guide, the team at Rio Vista Family Dentistry will give you some more information about the basics of each treatment. Read on, and learn with us.

The Basics of Single-Tooth Implants

This procedure uses a single dental implant that is surgically placed into the gum and jaw tissue, and is restored with a dental crown (false tooth). 

The implant is a screw-shaped piece of titanium that heals and bonds with your jaw bone permanently, providing an artificial root to which a single crown can be attached. 

Multiple single-tooth implants can be used to restore more than one missing tooth, but each one must be placed individually. 

The Single-Tooth Implant Procedure

To begin the procedure, your mouth will be cleaned and numbed. Then, your dentist at Rio Vista Family Dentistry will create an incision in your gum and jaw tissue, and place the implant directly into the jaw bone, based on your treatment plan. This may be repeated several times if you’re getting multiple implants.

Then, you’ll be sent home to heal. Initial healing takes about 2 weeks, but it may take 3-6 months for your implants to bond permanently with your jaw. You will come in for regular checkups at Rio Vista Family Dentistry, and your dentist will take images and impressions of your teeth, which will be used to build one or more dental crowns.

Once your mouth has healed, you’ll come in for one last appointment, and your crown will be permanently attached to your dental implant, restoring your smile. 

The Basics Of Full-Arch Implants

Full-arch implants use a series of 4-6 dental implants to restore an entire arch of missing teeth. Once these implants have been placed and have healed, your dentist will make a set of permanent or removable implant-supported dentures that clip onto the implants.

Unlike traditional dentures, these dentures will never shift or move, and they look and feel completely natural. Full-arch implants also help strengthen and protect your jaw bone, preventing bone resorption after tooth loss.

The Full-Arch Implant Procedure

The procedure is very similar to the single-tooth implant procedure. However, all of your remaining natural teeth must be extracted before you can get full-arch implants. Your mouth will be cleaned and numbed, and a series of 4-6 implants will be placed in each arch of your mouth.

Then, your dentist will attach a set of temporary dentures to your implants. You will need to take special precautions when chewing with these teeth to avoid damaging your implants. Initial healing will take a few weeks, but it will take 3-6 months for your implants to permanently bond with your jaw bone.

During the recovery process, you’ll come and see your dentist at Rio Vista Family Dentistry for check-ups. They will also begin creating your permanent set of removable or fixed implant dentures. 

Once your mouth has healed, you’ll come to our office for your last appointment, and your permanent dentures will be attached to your implants, completing the procedure.

What’s Right For Me? Find Out At Rio Vista Family Dentistry 

If you have only a few missing teeth but your mouth is healthy, single-tooth implants may be a good option for you. But if you’re missing most or all of your teeth, you may be better off with full-arch implants.

How can you find out what’s right for you? The best way is to schedule an appointment with the experienced doctors at Rio Vista Family Dentistry. Dr. Lockwood, Dr. Reyes, and Dr. Campillo can help you explore your options for permanent tooth restoration, and choose the right treatment for your unique needs. Call now at (619) 299-1122 to get started, or contact us online for more information.

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